Schreiner, Seifrid, Vickers, and Burk Respond to Wright’s Response to Piper

Denny Burk has all the details on and his reaction to yesterday’s forum.

I would encourage you to read his opening statement, and I am in agreement with his assessment of the conversation. The audio from the conversation is here.

I thought the moderator did a fine job, and the participants were both informative and respectful.

This conversation was a model of evangelically rooted critical engagement.

What do you think?


Filed under Biblical Theology, Books, Current Events

7 responses to “Schreiner, Seifrid, Vickers, and Burk Respond to Wright’s Response to Piper

  1. dan

    Dr. Hamilton,

    What do you think about Schreiner’s criticism of Wright’s view of Israel being the solution for the world?



  2. Michael Bid

    Denny, I am looking very, very forward to listening to this.

  3. Michael Bid

    Sorry, I realized this is your blog, not Denny’s. It’s late mate and I should have double checked!

  4. Michael,
    You’re killing me, bro.

  5. Dan,

    Thanks for your note. I don’t remember off-hand, but if it was in the context of the criticism of what amounts to Wright’s post-millennial kind of world transformation view of what the church is to accomplish, I agree.

    If it was in the context of a recognition that God always intended Christ to be the solution to the world’s problem, I agree with that, too.

    Sorry I don’t remember the context of that comment off-hand,


  6. I don’t get it: why is Wright’s position consistently referred to here as ‘justification by works’. It should be ‘justification by works of the Spirit’. By continuing to mislabel the position, the misunderstanding Wright accuses Piper of making continues.

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