Pierced for Our Transgressions

It finally made it across the Atlantic.

Some time back there was, in Jonathan Leeman’s phrase, “quite a hullabaloo over the gospel.” That hullabaloo was largely occasioned by N. T. Wright’s response to Pierced for Our Transgressions, which has finally made it across the water and is now available from Crossway Books.

N. T. Wright may not like the book, but the significant scholars who provide 10 pages of endorsements attest to its quality and importance. If the significance of a doctrine can be measured by those endorsing a book defending that doctrine, this book on Rediscovering the Glory of Penal Substitution is one of the most important books to be published in a long time.

The book has its own website,  where you can find links to ancient texts, sermons on the topic, and some great music.

Pierced for Our Transgressions unfolds the heart of the gospel. Those who love the gospel will praise God for this book.


Filed under Bible and Theology, Books, Evangelism and Apologetics, Gospel, History, Reformation and Revival

2 responses to “Pierced for Our Transgressions

  1. Ralph

    Thank you for placing this book in your blog, I just received it yesterday in the mail,and will read it alongside “The Great Exchange” by Bridges & Bevington. It is always enlightening when we read books whose titles include “new”, “lost”, or any other gnostic language. While I like some of the elements brought out with the Emerging Church group, the gnosticisim within that camp is quite alarming.

    It truly is good to rediscover what the church in history has concluded about its doctrines, none more important then that of the Atonement.


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