
A FedEx Truck just left this copy of God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology on our front doorstep.

Praise the Lord! May his favor be upon us, and may he confirm the work of our hands (Ps 90:17).

Some time back I thought through the timeline on this project. It’s a joy to reflect on God’s faithfulness to me and my family through these years:

Spring 2002, Prof. Mark Seifrid’s Seminar on New Testament Theology introduced me to the discussion of the question of the center of biblical theology, and in reading these discussions I was struck that no one had proposed that God’s glory was central to biblical theology.

October 2002, Finished my first trip through Isaiah in Hebrew, very impressed with the theme of God’s glory in salvation through judgment.

Summer 2004, Presented a paper at the Triennial Conference of the Tyndale Fellowship, responded to by I. Howard Marshall, attended by, among others, G. K. Beale and T. Desmond Alexander.

Spring 2005 (April), Met Bruce Winter at the Wheaton Theology Conference, and he told me that the paper would be published in Tyndale Bulletin.

November 2005, Presented a paper at ETS on “The Center of Biblical Theology in Acts.”

Spring 2006, “The Centre of Biblical Theology: The Glory of God in Salvation through Judgment?” appears in Tyndale Bulletin.

June 24, 2006, Justin Taylor emailed me asking if I had ever considered proposing a book on the center of biblical theology.

September 20, 2006, Justin emails again, and I send him initial proposals.

January 2007, Proposal shaping up, positive emails with JT, Schreiner, and Beale.

January 17, 2007, Discussion of August 2007 or January 2008 as completion dates!

February 7, 2007, Passes first hurdle at Crossway.

February 21, 2007, Offer to publish (contract!) comes from Crossway.

Fall 2008, “The Center of Biblical Theology in Acts” published in Themelios.

January 1, 2010, Completed manuscript submitted to Crossway.

Spring/Summer 2010, Read through the book three different times in various editorial stages.

November 4, 2010, The book arrives at Crossway, and they overnight me a copy.

November 5, 2010, Today the book arrives on my doorstep while we were eating lunch as a family. Our 6 year old son went to the door and came back with a package. Rejoicing and celebration ensues.

Glory to God in the highest.


Filed under Biblical Theology, Books, Center of Biblical Theology, For God's Glory in Christ by the Spirit, My Book

23 responses to “Completion!

  1. Congrats! I can’t wait to get a copy! Hurry up Amazon!

  2. My review copy is in the mail. I was kind of hoping I would get mine before you got yours. 🙂

    Have you ever considered the statement in the WCF and the Second London Baptist Confession (1689) at 1:5? It says, “…the scope of the whole [of the Holy Scriptures] (which is to give all glory to God)…” I think the old guys did see the glory of God in the salvation wrought by the Son as the center of BT, though they did not say it in those terms. See my dissertaion for a fuller discussion. 🙂

    I am looking formwad to reading your book. I have read most, if not all, of the articles mentioned above and profitted greatly from them.

    Keep writing!

    PS: What about the typological relationship between Elijah and Christ? 🙂

  3. Brian Davidson

    Congratulations! Your hard work is inspiring. I look forward to reading it this December!

  4. Scott Lamb

    Awesome! Congratulations Jim.

  5. Johnny G.

    Congrats Dr. Hamilton! I’ve been following and reading your writings. They have challenged and spurred me to seek after the Lord. I’m anxiously looking forward to buying your book!

  6. Rob Crust

    YES! I love the cover. May it serve the church well.

  7. Rob Crust

    Yes! Love the cover. May it serve the church well!

  8. Nick Moore

    Praise the Lord and congratulations Dr. Hamilton! Proud of you and your hard work. Your pen is impacting the kingdom and the churches in ways that cannot even realize. Stand fast, keep your hand at the plow, and keep those presses churning out more and more material like this.

    Also, I echo the earlier comment…hurry up Amazon!!!


  9. God is good. Can’t wait to read.

  10. Dustin

    On behalf of Sovereign Grace Pastors Conference participants who received this as a gift from SGM, thanks for writing this! What a great resource for everyone’s library. Congrats, my friend!

  11. Ross Shannon

    So happy for you, brother! Thanks for recounting God’s goodness in its progression and completion . . .

  12. Oren Martin

    Praise our great God and Savior! Grateful to the Lord for you brother.

  13. This just in from Crossway:

    “Dr. Barcellos,

    I have placed your order for a review copy of “God’s Glory in Salvation through Judgment: A Biblical Theology” and it should be on its way shortly. Thank you.”

    I am now happy and looking forward to being happier in a few days.

  14. Pingback: Weekly Roundup 11/5/2010 | Evangelical Mavericks

  15. Jim,

    Congrats! I’m hoping to get my hands on this. I was excited the first time I discovered what the cover looked like and read the description.

  16. Conrgrats, Jim. I remember the first time I discovered what the cover looked like and read the description.

    I’ll have to get my hands on one!

  17. Wow! What an amazing story. Definitely for His renown. Congrats! Can’t wait to read it.

  18. Congratulations! I really enjoyed what I read so far, and am looking forward to the whole thing. Great work, brother.

  19. Freddy

    Congrats, Dr. Hamilton! I enjoyed reading portions of it for your OT1 class last fall. Can’t wait to get the hardback though. Thank you for stirring up in me a love for biblical theology. It has greatly changed the way I read & understand the Bible. I look forward to taking more classes from you in the coming years.

  20. Lance Black

    Congratulations, Dr. Hamilton!

  21. Praise the Lord for guiding through this entire process. Thanks for sharing the story. Wonderful that your son got to be the messenger of such good news. And he wasn’t even born when you started. God is good.

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