From the Makers of Modern Parables: Visual Latin

Looking for help learning Latin or teaching it to your kids? Here’s a great deal for a limited time:

Visual Latin | Lessons 1 to 10 Complete [Single/Family]

Price: $25.00 (excluding tax)

Ok, this is a really special, very low, tell-all-your friends intro price.  It is extremelyinexpensive for this product.  We are not sure how long we will offer it for this price, so if you have any interest in Visual Latin, we would encourage you to buy it today.  Really.

These 10 lessons are the first half of the first semester of Visual Latin.  Go to VisualLatin.comfor free previews and further information.

Each lesson includes 3 videos: GrammarSentences, & Reading and 3 PDFs: Instructions,Worksheets, and Answers.

Four free introductory lessons here.



Filed under History, Latin

4 responses to “From the Makers of Modern Parables: Visual Latin

  1. Jim Allman

    Unfortunately, the linked video started with a misspelling: ad laborem is correct!

  2. Jim Allman

    Additionally, he uses the wrong form of virtus and mispronounces it. Needs some work!

  3. Jim,
    Thanks for this catch! Our editor missed that “ad laborem” is really 3rd declension and mis-typed it; he’s fixing it right now. As far as virtus, Dwane did say he uses the genitive instead of the nominative, but it’s not necessarily wrong. Finally, concerning pronunciation, you may want to watch the free Intro lesson #4 where he explains why he says what he says; as you likely know, there are multiple ways of pronouncing Latin words. To show my thanks, I’ve created a coupon code for readers of this blog: just type in jimhamilton and if you’re one of the first 10 users, you’ll get 25% off. Just go to Salve!

  4. Pingback: For the First Ten, A Free Coupon for Visual Latin « For His Renown

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